
Today, we were using the Boomwhackers to create music! The sound was amazing. We played some well known Disney songs.

Ashridge Trip – May 2024

Year 4 visited Ashridge in May to explore all things outdoors! We spent time plotting points on a map using our Maths co-ordinates knowledge before heading out to find the puzzle pieces. These puzzles needed to be solved to gain the keys which locked our lunches away! After lunch, we enjoyed time finding minibeasts within […]

Science – Spring Data Collection

This half term, we went outside into our school grounds to collect some data about vertebrates, invertebrates, flowering and non-flowering plants ready to compare to our Summer data next term.

Feeling Good Week – outdoor learning

The focus of this year’s Feeling Good Week at Abbey Primary has been  on how being outside in nature is beneficial for our mental health. Not needing an excuse to get outside, Year 6 donned their wellies last Friday and headed for the Nature Area for their briefing from Mr Astley. They were tasked with […]

Science – investigating light

In Science, we have been looking at light this half term.   As part of this topic, the children planned and set up experiments using torches, mirrors, card with holes in and other opaque objects. They were challenged to prove not only that light travels in straight lines but also that it can change direction […]

Make Do and Mend WW2 Design & Technology

In Design and Technology, we looked at ‘Make Do and Mend’ – linked to the rationing of clothing and fabrics in WW2. We talked about how there was a shortage of new clothing so the government encouraged people to create new clothing and toys from old and outworn items. The children were asked to bring […]

Our French Shopping Day!

Today, we enjoyed a shopping spree for vegetables! We practised our speaking and listening skills through ‘buying’ vegetables from each other. The challenge was to find which two vegetables were missing –  the children quickly identified these as ‘les oignons’ and ‘les petis pois’ and we added them to our shop.