The Abbey CE VA Primary School

School Meals

School Meals are provided by Herts Catering. A cook and her team work in the school kitchen to prepare the lunches daily and children eat together in the school hall. Midday Supervisors work with the children over the lunch break to ensure a smooth running of the session. The menu is available on the Herts Catering web site, please see link below, where there are three options each day, meat, vegetarian and sandwiches/baguette. If your child has any allergies the school needs to be made aware of these and the kitchen will make specific arrangements to cater for them. Meals are booked and paid for via School Gateway and cost £3.20 per day and are chosen in advance each day. Please see our Online Payments page for more details on School Gateway.

Menu on Herts Catering website

Packed lunch policy

This is a guide for families who are choosing to provide a home prepared packed lunch for their children.

  • Parents should ensure that home prepared packed lunches provide a healthy and well balanced meal
  • All children at school will be given water to drink at lunchtime, any drinks at lunchtime must be a healthy choice, no cans, sugary or fizzy drinks
  • Whole/crushed nuts/sesame seeds must not be sent into school – this includes pesto/hummus/cereal bars that contain nuts or any other item with nut ingredients
  • Packed lunches must not contain sweets or chocolate
  • Biscuits, chocolate coated biscuits, crisps and small cakes are allowed as long as the packed lunch provides a healthy and balanced meal
  • Reusable ice packs are a good choice in warmer weather, all lunches must be in a sealed plastic container/lunch bag
  • Within reason any uneaten food will be sent home in the lunchbox
  • Where meals do not appear to be well balanced, a member of staff will talk to parents in a timely and sensitive manner.