Welcome to Year 4.
Our class teacher is Miss Roberts, and our teaching assistants are Mrs Simpkin, Mrs Clarke and Ms L. Harris.

English Editing
To finish our narrative mystery writing, based on ‘The Great Chocoplot’, we spent some time editing collaboratively. It was wonderful to see everyone learning from

Role Play in PSHE
Our Spring Term 1 unit is all about keeping safe. At the start of our unit we have explored hazards, risks and dangers. Today, we

The Moon!
We loved going to see the moon at the Abbey. It was amazing to be able to walk underneath and around the moon to see

D&T – Christmas Pavilions
Design & Technology – Christmas Pavilions

‘This is Me’
Today, we celebrated everyone’s differences through an inner self and outer self portrait. It was lovely to discuss the importance of accepting everyone for who

Art – Iron Man writing
To link with our English writing unit about ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes, we created some images to publish our work.
- Year 4 Curriculum Overview Spring 2025 (135.37KB)
- Year 4 Curriculum Letter Autumn 2024 (332.87KB)
- Year 4 Curriculum Presentation 2023-2024 (818.98KB)
- SPAG Knowledge Organisers Year 4 (318.88KB)