‘A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.’
The Primary National Curriculum Framework 2014
At Abbey CE VA Primary School, our aim is to inspire pupils’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We believe that Geography helps pupils understand the Earth’s key physical and human processes, the formation and use of landscapes and environments, and how these aspects have changed over time. Our curriculum aims to develop knowledgeable and skilled geographers who can explain how the Earth’s features are shaped, interconnected, and changed over time. We strive to ensure every child develops a deep understanding of the world, their place in it, and their role in protecting its future.
How We Teach Geography
Our approach to teaching Geography is enquiry-based and practical, combining classroom learning with fieldwork investigations. Lessons are carefully structured from the Collins Primary Connected Geography Scheme to develop both geographical knowledge and skills, with an emphasis on real-world exploration and investigation.
Teachers use a variety of resources including maps, atlases, globes, digital technologies, and geographical data to bring the subject to life. We create opportunities for pupils to experience geography first-hand through fieldwork in the local area and further afield. This includes mapping exercises, environmental surveys, and weather studies.
Geographical enquiry is central to our teaching. Pupils learn to ask geographical questions, collect and analyse data, and draw conclusions. We encourage pupils to make connections between different geographical processes and to understand how these influence our lives and environments.
Assessment is conducted through practical fieldwork, written work, and project outcomes. We focus on both geographical knowledge and the development of key geographical skills such as map reading, data collection, and analysis.
What Skills and Knowledge Will Your Child Learn?
Throughout their time at Abbey, pupils develop essential geographical skills and knowledge. In the early years, children begin to explore their local environment and develop basic mapping skills. They start to use geographical vocabulary related to places and features.
As they progress, pupils develop more sophisticated geographical understanding and skills:
Locational Knowledge:
- Name and locate the world’s continents and oceans
- Identify countries, capitals, and major cities
- Understand latitude, longitude, and time zones
- Know key topographical features of the UK
- Identify major geographical regions and their characteristics
Place Knowledge:
- Compare regions within the UK
- Study European countries
- Understand similarities and differences between regions
- Explore human and physical characteristics of places
- Recognise how places change over time
Human and Physical Geography:
- Understand weather patterns and climate zones
- Study rivers, mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes
- Learn about the water cycle
- Explore land use and economic activity
- Understand settlement and trade links
- Study natural resources and their distribution
- Learn about environmental change and sustainability
Geographical Skills:
- Use maps, atlases, globes, and digital mapping
- Use compass directions and grid references
- Read and create different types of maps
- Collect and analyse geographical data
- Use fieldwork techniques
- Interpret geographical sources and evidence
- Present geographical information
By Upper Key Stage 2, pupils will have developed:
- A secure understanding of global geography
- Skills in geographical investigation
- Ability to collect and analyse data
- Understanding of physical processes
- Knowledge of human geographical features
- Skills in using geographical tools
- Understanding of environmental issues
These skills and knowledge progress systematically through the year groups, building on previous learning. Our approach develops important transferable skills including:
- Observation and recording
- Data collection and analysis
- Map reading and creation
- Field work techniques
- Problem-solving skills
- Environmental awareness
Through our geography curriculum, pupils learn to:
- Ask geographical questions
- Collect and analyse data
- Use geographical vocabulary accurately
- Make connections between processes
- Understand environmental issues
- Develop fieldwork skills
- Think critically about geographical issues
We believe these skills and knowledge are essential for pupils to understand their world and develop as informed citizens who understand their role in protecting our planet’s future.
Curriculum Overview
- Geography Curriculum Overview (98.97KB)
Progression of Skills
- Geography Progression of Skills (160.87KB)
National Curriculum

River Ver geography fieldwork trip
Our geography topic this half term is rivers so this afternoon we donned our wellies.