At Abbey CE VA School, we aim to inspire and support children to become engaged learners who develop a sense of excitement, awe and wonder and curiosity about the world around them. We recognise the importance and value of science in everyday life. We give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires as one of the core subjects taught in Primary Schools.

The National Curriculum Programme of Study for science describes a sequence of knowledge and concepts, processes and methods. This sequence of knowledge and concepts is arranged as progressive blocks of key ideas in biology, chemistry and physics, alongside a progression in the skills of working scientifically.

Through scientific enquiry, we build on children’s knowledge to encourage and support scientific questions, practical experiences and reflective thinking. Children learn to question and discuss science-based issues based on their own health, their lives and the future of the world we live in. The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. This is built into all lessons to provide ample opportunities to learn and apply key vocabulary in the context of their science learning. We plan to consolidate and build on skills learnt, including using scientific equipment, recording and presenting data and collating and interpreting results, enabling children to become increasingly confident in their growing ability to come to conclusions based on real evidence. All children have opportunities to challenge their thinking and apply their learning within different scientific activities.

To ensure high standards of science teaching and learning across the school, we use the White Rose Science scheme which is progressive throughout the whole school and in line with the National Curriculum.

National curriculum in England: science programmes of study