The Abbey CE VA Primary School


The team of governors represent a cross section of our school community, from parents, staff, the Cathedral, Diocese and Local Authority. Members of our board uphold the Christian ethos of our school and support our Head Teacher in the strategic management of Abbey School. The Instrument for Government states the number and type of governors the school must have; for Abbey school 14 in total with a majority elected by the Cathedral and Diocesan and of Education to ensure the Christian ethos is upheld in all aspects of school life.

As a Voluntary Aided school under the Diocese of St Albans the role of the governing board is a strategic one, to act as a critical friend to the Head teacher, having the responsibility as employer and for the school site and ensuring the school budget is well managed.

The governing board is structured around four committees:

  • Finance and Premises
  • Recruitment, Pay and Personnel (RPP)
  • School Effectiveness
  • Admissions

Each committee and the Full Governing Board meets at least once per half term.

(Appointed by)
Term of OfficeCommittees/Role
Gary Freer
(Chair of Governors)
(Cathedral Chapter, St Albans Cathedral)
1 Sep 2021 – 31 Aug 2025
  • HT Performance Management
  • Finance and Premises
Robert Raine
(Vice Chair Governors)
(Cathedral Chapter, St Albans Cathedral)
1 Sep 2020 – 31 Aug 2024
  • Finance and Premises (Chair)
Canon Will GibbsFoundation
(Cathedral Chapter, St Albans Cathedral)
1 Sep 2022 – 31 Aug 2026
  • School Effectiveness
  • Admissions
Gareth NicholsFoundation
(Cathedral Chapter, St Albans Cathedral)
27 May 2024 – 26 May 2028
  • RPP
  • School Effectiveness
Nikki Loan
(St Albans Diocesan Board of Education)
1 Sep 2021 – 31 Aug 2024
  • Finance and Premises
Simon OatenParent
(Parent Body)
1 Oct 2019 – 30 Sep 2027
  • Finance and Premises
Marion SilveyParent
(Parent Body)
30 May 2021 – 29 May 2025
  • Admissions
Christopher ToonFoundation
(Cathedral Chapter, St Albans Cathedral)
24 Nov 2023 – 23 Nov 2027 
Katie WrightLocal Authority
(Herts Local Education Authority)
1 Sep 2022 – 31 Aug 2026
  • School Effectiveness (Chair)
Linda O’MeliaHead Teacher
Ex-officio (Head Teacher of the School)
1 Jan 2022- 31st Dec 2025All committees
Fiona FraserStaff
(School Staff)
1 Sep 2022 – 31 Aug 2026
  • School Effectiveness
  • Admissions
Patrick DawsCo-opted
(Governing Board)
01 Sep 2022 -31 Aug 2026
  • School Effectiveness
  • RPP

In addition the Governing Board can elect any number of Associate Governor for a specific role or skill; these governors have no voting rights and do not have to attend FGB meetings. The position is not tied to a four year term. We have no Associate Governors at this time.

Governors who have resigned in the last 12 months

  • Rachel Hyndman,  Foundation (Cathedral Chapter, St Albans Cathedral),  1 Sep 2019 – 31 Aug 2023