About Us


The first Abbey School was built on a site in Spicer Street and opened in 1848. By the 1870s there were three schools on the site catering for Infants, Junior Boys and Junior Girls and Seniors. Increased numbers led to the splitting of the school and the establishment of Townsend CE School for secondary age pupils. In 1970 the current school building was built on land belonging to the original dissolved monastery of St Albans. The school retains strong links with the Cathedral, which is its Parish Church.

The Abbey School is a one form entry primary school which caters for children from rising 5 to 11. We have the capacity for 210 pupils on roll and we operate a single intake into Reception each September. The class teachers are responsible for the education and welfare of the children in their class. Each class is supported by a Teaching Assistant with a full time Teaching Assistant in Reception.