Mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. The National Curriculum for maths aims to ensure that all pupils:
- become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
- can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems
At Abbey CE VA Primary School, our aim is to develop pupils into confident mathematicians who enjoy exploring mathematical concepts and solving problems. We believe that Mathematics equips pupils with uniquely powerful ways to describe, analyse and change the world. Our curriculum aims to ensure every child becomes fluent in mathematical fundamentals, can reason mathematically, and can solve problems by applying their mathematics knowledge. We strive to develop pupils who understand that mathematics is an essential tool for everyday life and who approach mathematical challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.
How We Teach Mathematics
Our approach to teaching Mathematics follows a mastery curriculum using White Rose, ensuring pupils develop deep understanding before moving on to new concepts. Lessons are carefully structured to develop both procedural fluency and conceptual understanding, with an emphasis on reasoning and problem-solving.
Teachers use a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, allowing pupils to explore mathematical concepts using physical resources before moving to pictorial representations and finally abstract symbols. We create opportunities for pupils to explain their mathematical thinking, work collaboratively, and develop their problem-solving strategies.
Daily mathematics lessons include:
- Fluency practice to build confidence
- Exploration of new concepts
- Problem-solving opportunities
- Mathematical reasoning and discussion
- Application of skills in different contexts
Assessment is ongoing through observation, discussion, and written work. We use regular formative assessment to identify and address misconceptions quickly, ensuring all pupils keep up with the curriculum pace.
What Skills and Knowledge Will Your Child Learn?
Throughout their time at Abbey, pupils develop essential mathematical skills and knowledge. In the early years, children explore mathematical concepts through structured play and practical activities, developing early number sense and spatial awareness.
As they progress, pupils develop understanding across key areas:
Number and Place Value:
- Count, read, write and order numbers
- Understand place value
- Round numbers to different degrees
- Work with negative numbers
- Recognise number patterns
- Understand decimal notation
- Mental calculation strategies
- Written methods for all operations
- Understanding inverse operations
- Order of operations
- Estimation and checking strategies
- Problem-solving with calculations
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages:
- Recognise and work with fractions
- Convert between different number forms
- Calculate with fractions and decimals
- Understand percentage calculations
- Solve problems involving proportions
- Work with ratio
- Use standard units of measure
- Convert between units
- Calculate perimeter and area
- Understand volume and capacity
- Work with time
- Solve measurement problems
- Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- Position and direction
- Symmetry and reflection
- Angles and rotation
- Coordinate geometry
- Mathematical reasoning with shapes
- Collect and present data
- Interpret graphs and charts
- Calculate averages
- Understand probability
- Analyse data sets
- Draw conclusions from data
By Upper Key Stage 2, pupils will have developed:
- Fluency in number facts
- Confidence in mental arithmetic
- Understanding of written methods
- Problem-solving strategies
- Mathematical reasoning skills
- Ability to work systematically
- Mathematical vocabulary
These skills and knowledge progress systematically through the year groups, building on previous learning. Our approach develops important mathematical competencies including:
- Mental fluency
- Logical thinking
- Problem-solving strategies
- Mathematical reasoning
- Communication of mathematical ideas
- Resilience when tackling challenges
Through our mathematics curriculum, pupils learn to:
- Think mathematically about problems
- Use mathematical language precisely
- Apply knowledge to new situations
- Work systematically and accurately
- Explain their mathematical thinking
- Make connections between concepts
- Use mathematics in real-life contexts
We believe these skills and knowledge are essential for pupils to become confident mathematicians who can apply their understanding in both academic and real-world contexts.
Curriculum Overview
- Maths Curriculum Overview (597.11KB)
National Curriculum
Other documents
- Calculation Policy (6.59MB)