At Abbey School we aim to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world around them and its people. The requirements of the National Curriculum are delivered through a broad, balanced and challenging geography curriculum which enables our pupils to learn about a diverse range of places from across the globe, including the human and physical features and the way people interact with these places. Each topic exposes them to a range of resources and learning opportunities, through class teaching and fieldwork, that help to build important geographical skills that explain how the Earth’s features are shaped, interconnected and change over time.


Geography is taught in all year groups and is made up of three topics per year. These topics alternate with History. The whole school uses the Collins Connected Scheme of Work which utilises an enquiry-led approach where geographical topics are focused around a central question. We have chosen topics which allow us to teach the statutory knowledge and skills set out in the National Curriculum, and which allow us to develop key concepts such as cultural awareness and diversity, interdependence, human geography, physical geography, size and scale, place, environmental impact, climate and sustainability. Planning our curriculum in this way enables children to make links across topics and to develop higher order thinking skills.