The Abbey CE VA Primary School

Ashridge Trip – May 2024

Year 4 visited Ashridge in May to explore all things outdoors! We spent time plotting points on a map using our Maths co-ordinates knowledge before heading out to find the puzzle pieces. These puzzles needed to be solved to gain the keys which locked our lunches away! After lunch, we enjoyed time finding minibeasts within […]

Science – Spring Data Collection

This half term, we went outside into our school grounds to collect some data about vertebrates, invertebrates, flowering and non-flowering plants ready to compare to our Summer data next term.

Our French Shopping Day!

Today, we enjoyed a shopping spree for vegetables! We practised our speaking and listening skills through ‘buying’ vegetables from each other. The challenge was to find which two vegetables were missing –  the children quickly identified these as ‘les oignons’ and ‘les petis pois’ and we added them to our shop.


Today, we enjoyed a Yoga session together. We learnt and practised breathing techniques, yoga poses and relaxation methods.  All linked with Noah’s Ark, we were able to create animal poses, think about movement through our bodies and ways to relax our breathing with feathers.

Romans – History Trip

Our History learning has been focussed on the Romans arriving in Britain. Today, we were very lucky to have a hands on and interactive experience at The Verulamium Museum. We had a lovely, cold and frosty walk across Verulamium and arrived ready to warm up and learn! We went back in time to explore a […]

Art – Making our Roman coins!

Today, we put our planning and designing into action with our creation of Roman coins! We spent time looking at our design whilst getting considering how to use a paper plate for the coin. Then, we carefully drew our design onto the plate, making sure to include and follow the steps of our design brief. […]

Our Science Experiment – Tooth Decay

We spent time planning our investigation by creating an equipment list, method and making our predictions! Next, it was time to begin the experiment! We worked collaboratively to work our way through the method, step by step, to ensure we carried out a fair test. And… Here are our results! Can you believe the difference […]

Reading with Year 1

As part of our Guided Reading lessons, we have been spending time with Year 1 . We take it in turns to read some of our book and explore the different images, words and layouts. Some weeks, we choose one word to focus on and teach our Year 1 partners about!

Learning about Diwali!

This week, we have been exploring the celebrations of Diwali. We have enjoyed looking at the beautiful Rangoli patterns as well as Diya Lamps and patterned lanterns. We learnt about the meaning of Diwali being the festival of light to signify light triumphing darkness and good triumphing over evil. We had a go at creating […]