As a school we recognise that engaging children in investigating questions about people and events in the past, helps them better understand their lives today, the contested nature of knowledge and prepares them for the future as more informed citizens. At Abbey School the requirements of the National Curriculum are delivered through use of the Collins Connected Scheme of Work. We have chosen this scheme because of its broad and balanced range of topics and its enquiry-based approach to learning about the past and its impact on us today.
Our curriculum teaches each child about the past in terms of significant people, events, dates, states of affairs and places. Our chosen historical topics help our students to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of different societies and relationships between different groups, as well as some of the challenges of their time.
History is taught in every year group and consists of three topics per year. These are alternated with Geography topics.
- KS1 History MTPs (301.83KB)
- LKS2 Collins History MTPs (256.03KB)
- UKS2 Collins History MTPs (284.00KB)
- History Curriculum (223.68KB)