Lighting up!
Our science topic this half term is Electricity and we have been creating circuits using components such as wires, cells, buzzers, switches and bulbs.
River Ver geography fieldwork trip
Our geography topic this half term is rivers so this afternoon we donned our wellies.
Friday fun with our Reception special friends!
We had great fun with our Reception special friends on Friday afternoon.
Life Skills – Crucial Crew Trip
We had a great trip to Crucial Crew on Wednesday!
History – Discovering St Albans’ Victorian Heritage
Our History topic this term focuses on the impact and legacy of the Victorians on our city.
Feeling Good Week – outdoor learning
The focus of this year’s Feeling Good Week at Abbey Primary has been on how being outside in nature is beneficial for our mental health. Not needing an excuse to get outside, Year 6 donned their wellies last Friday and headed for the Nature Area for their briefing from Mr Astley. They were tasked with […]
Science – investigating light
In Science, we have been looking at light this half term. As part of this topic, the children planned and set up experiments using torches, mirrors, card with holes in and other opaque objects. They were challenged to prove not only that light travels in straight lines but also that it can change direction […]
Make Do and Mend WW2 Design & Technology
In Design and Technology, we looked at ‘Make Do and Mend’ – linked to the rationing of clothing and fabrics in WW2. We talked about how there was a shortage of new clothing so the government encouraged people to create new clothing and toys from old and outworn items. The children were asked to bring […]
Geography reindeer hunt
Year 6 enjoyed an active session of geography fieldwork on Friday afternoon with Adrian from Active Outdoor Discovery. Emulating the Romans’ system of measurement, the children were challenged to measure the length and width of the playground using their own footsteps and they learnt that the concept of a mile derives from a thousand paces. […]
Geography fieldwork trip – River Ver
This half term, Year 6 took their Geography learning out of the classroom and into the river, quite literally! Having studied rivers in class, Laura from the Chilterns and Chalk Streams Project came into school to talk to us about our very own chalk stream, the River Ver. We learned about the importance of the river and the wildlife that it […]